"The Nicest Thing You Can Do for Someone Is to Remember Them"
My great-grandfather would have loved knowing that he was the subject of Curt Brown's Minnesota History column in last Sunday's (April 12) Star Tribune, Riggs struck up band like few others. It was a boost to me, as well, to see G. Oliver Riggs and my book, Crackerjack Bands and Hometown Boosters, mentioned in the state's largest daily newspaper (and the country's seventh-largest, in terms of circulation).
Curt is a marvelous storyteller, and if you don't already follow his column every week, you should!
Before the column appeared, I'd been feeling discouraged. Several book events I'd lined up for the spring were canceled because of the pandemic, and it's unclear when I'll be able to resume meeting people face to face and connecting with them over shared interests in music and history.
Curt is a marvelous storyteller, and if you don't already follow his column every week, you should!
Before the column appeared, I'd been feeling discouraged. Several book events I'd lined up for the spring were canceled because of the pandemic, and it's unclear when I'll be able to resume meeting people face to face and connecting with them over shared interests in music and history.