Crackerjack Bonus Epilogues: Part 2, All Children Should Be Taught Music
In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I wrote two different epilogues for my book, Crackerjack Bands and Hometown Boosters: The Story of a Minnesota Music Man. I ultimately decided against including either one in the final manuscript.
I wrote the second epilogue in October 2017, shortly after I had attended a writing retreat led by Minneapolis author/teacher/writing coach extraordinaire Kate Hopper. As I write this blog post, I am once again on a retreat with an amazing group of women, led by Kate.
I don't expect to write yet another book epilogue while I'm here, but I am open to exploring other topics that arise during our discussions and exercises.
I wrote the second epilogue in October 2017, shortly after I had attended a writing retreat led by Minneapolis author/teacher/writing coach extraordinaire Kate Hopper. As I write this blog post, I am once again on a retreat with an amazing group of women, led by Kate.
I don't expect to write yet another book epilogue while I'm here, but I am open to exploring other topics that arise during our discussions and exercises.