Crackerjacks in the Stacks
When I was in kindergarten, I wanted to become a librarian when I grew up. I devised my own Dewey Decimal system for my collection of books at home, and my little book-loving heart filled with ... pleasure (you thought I was going to say joy, didn't you) every time I presented a stack of books to the children's librarian at the Carnegie Library in my hometown of Alexandria, Minn. There was something immensely gratifying about that book check-out process: the librarian would take out her pad of ink, pull the cards from the books, stamp the due date on the cards, and hand the books back to me. It was marked in ink, this approval I had, to go home and read.
My career plans changed after that kindergarten year, but my love of books and of libraries endured.
My career plans changed after that kindergarten year, but my love of books and of libraries endured.