When I chose the date for my book launch party—July 16, 2019—I hadn't considered its historic significance: it marked the 50th anniversary of the launching of Apollo 11, the spacecraft that first landed humans on the moon.

As I told the audience Tuesday evening at the Grand Event Center in Northfield, it turned out to be a fitting coincidence because I was "over the moon" about the launch of my nonfiction book Crackerjack Bands and Hometown Boosters: The Story of a Minnesota Music Man (Nodin Press). And I continue to feel like I'm floating above the ground, having the best dream of my life.

The book is about the career and legacy of my paternal great-grandfather, G. Oliver Riggs, a renowned Minnesota band director.

Now that my nonfiction book Crackerjack Bands and Hometown Boosters: The Story of a Minnesota Music Man (Nodin Press) is published and out in the world, I've been working diligently to line up events where people can learn more about the book and buy signed copies.

The first big event is the book launch party, set for Tuesday, July 16, from 7-9 p.m. at the Grand Event Center, 316 Washington St., in downtown Northfield. The event is open to the public.
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