Streets of New York, 1911
A friend posted a link on Facebook recently that immediately sucked me in. It showed footage taken by a Swedish film production company of various locations in New York City in 1911. A man edited it down to an 8-minute YouTube film and added ambient sounds. Check it out, it's quite mesmerizing: https://petapixel.com/2018/04/17/take-a-trip-through-new-york-city-in-the-year-1911/
My great-grandparents G. Oliver and Islea Riggs weren't in New York in 1911—I'm not sure they ever visited that city—but they visited Chicago that year, where they would have observed similar scenes of horseless carriages sharing the streets with horse-drawn carts, and gentlemen and ladies all wearing hats.
My great-grandparents G. Oliver and Islea Riggs weren't in New York in 1911—I'm not sure they ever visited that city—but they visited Chicago that year, where they would have observed similar scenes of horseless carriages sharing the streets with horse-drawn carts, and gentlemen and ladies all wearing hats.