If you are free for an hour or two—or the whole day—this Saturday, Aug. 1, I hope to see you at the One Day Vintage Band Festival in downtown Northfield. Twelve community and professional brass bands from Minnesota will perform concerts in Northfield’s Bridge Square, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 9 p.m.

The Riverwalk Market Fair will be going between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., so you can shop for fresh produce, sample delicious pastries and purchase local art while enjoying the live music. Bring sunscreen, a lawn chair, and some cash or a credit card. Although the concerts are free, the goal of the event is to raise money and to generate excitement about next year’s big four-day festival, set for July 28-31, 2016. Please give what you can.

One of the fun parts of writing creative nonfiction is that you can relive peak experiences during the writing process. That’s what I was doing yesterday while finishing a draft of Chapter 7 of my book.

The chapter describes events that happened seven years ago, leading up to and including G. Oliver Riggs Day, an event we had at the Stearns History Museum on June 29, 2008. It was fun to watch the video from that day, look at the pictures again, and remember how it all came together.
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