A Valentine to Enduring Friendship
Families come in all shapes and sizes, and so often extend beyond the bounds of blood and genes. There are people who are part of your family — even though you will not find them on your family tree — because they have become so entwined in your life, you can’t remember a time when you didn’t know them. You can’t imagine a time they won’t be there, if not present in your daily life, at least out in the world, cheering you on, ready to step in when you need them.
I lost one of those family members this week.
Ron “Dommer” Domschot died on Monday evening, from complications related to pancreatic cancer. He was a retired high school teacher and coach, a devoted husband and father, a proud grandfather, a loyal friend, and so many other things to so many people.
I lost one of those family members this week.
Ron “Dommer” Domschot died on Monday evening, from complications related to pancreatic cancer. He was a retired high school teacher and coach, a devoted husband and father, a proud grandfather, a loyal friend, and so many other things to so many people.