You couldn’t fit 143 candles on an ordinary cake. It would require a birthday cake of record-setting size. But of course if my great-grandfather G. Oliver Riggs were still alive today, at age 143, that would set quite a record, too.

He was born in 1870 in Louisa County, Iowa, and this year his birthday comes two days before Thanksgiving. It’s a good pre-Thanksgiving reminder of how thankful I am for all the people in my life who continue to support my endeavors related to uncovering and telling the story of G. Oliver and his bands. Family, friends, faithful blog readers – thank you!

I don’t know what G. Oliver liked to eat on his birthday, or what he liked to do, so I can’t advise you on how to best celebrate his birthday.

I had a writing breakthrough this morning while taking a shower. That’s where I usually get my best ideas – either in the shower or while I’m out walking my dog (which is why I’ve been known to take the dog out more frequently than his bladder requires, just in case inspiration strikes). The breakthrough is about the structure of the book I’m writing, currently titled: Crackerjack Bands and Hometown Bravado: the Tale of a Minnesota Music Man.

The great Minnesota Give together, Give to the Max Day, starts Thursday, Nov. 14, at 12 a.m. and lasts until 11:59 p.m. It’s a fun way to promote and support worthy nonprofit organizations throughout the state. Are you ready?

I serve on three different arts-related boards that are taking part in the day: the Northfield Youth Choirs, the Northfield Fine Arts Boosters, and the Vintage Band Festival, and I know they would greatly appreciate your tax-deductible gifts.

Last Sunday, Steve and I had the pleasure of attending the 111th annual St. Olaf College Choral Festival, just up the hill from our house. We were there primarily because Louisa was participating as a member of the Northfield High School Concert Choir. But I would have enjoyed it even if she hadn’t been among the impressive assembly of high school, community and college singers.
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