A Rededication in Vicksburg
Thanks to an alert blog reader, I learned recently that the Iowa Monument at Vicksburg National Military Park is being rededicated this weekend. If I didn’t already have plans – and if I hadn’t taken a trip to Vicksburg a mere two and half years ago – I might have considered attending.
My great-grandfather, G. Oliver Riggs, attended the original dedication of the monument on Nov. 15, 1906. He played cornet in the 51st Iowa Regimental Band, led by Maj. George Landers, and the band was part of a state delegation of veterans, officials and family members that dedicated monuments to Iowa soldiers at Vicksburg, Shiloh, Andersonville and Chattanooga.
My great-grandfather, G. Oliver Riggs, attended the original dedication of the monument on Nov. 15, 1906. He played cornet in the 51st Iowa Regimental Band, led by Maj. George Landers, and the band was part of a state delegation of veterans, officials and family members that dedicated monuments to Iowa soldiers at Vicksburg, Shiloh, Andersonville and Chattanooga.