My assignment last week for the online book proposal class I’m taking was to create a comparable titles section, listing half a dozen books that share some similarities to mine but are also different (this is to help demonstrate that there’s a market for a book on a particular topic). Needless to say, the bookshelves are not overflowing with popular titles about historic bands – Oprah has not yet given her stamp of approval to such a book – so finding comparable titles posed a bit of a challenge.

The exercise led me to a couple of interesting Minnesota history books that I would like to read, and through the search process, I also stumbled across an incredible account of the Civil War called With Fire and Sword by S.H.M. Byers.

I have a good excuse for not blogging lately: I’ve been at boot camp.

It’s not what you might think. Although it is pushing me to set challenging goals and achieve them, this particular boot camp does not require me to wear a uniform or complete an impossible number of sit-ups and push-ups. I have enrolled in Book Proposal Boot Camp, an online class taught through the Loft Literary Center.
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