With Fire and Sword
My assignment last week for the online book proposal class I’m taking was to create a comparable titles section, listing half a dozen books that share some similarities to mine but are also different (this is to help demonstrate that there’s a market for a book on a particular topic). Needless to say, the bookshelves are not overflowing with popular titles about historic bands – Oprah has not yet given her stamp of approval to such a book – so finding comparable titles posed a bit of a challenge.
The exercise led me to a couple of interesting Minnesota history books that I would like to read, and through the search process, I also stumbled across an incredible account of the Civil War called With Fire and Sword by S.H.M. Byers.
The exercise led me to a couple of interesting Minnesota history books that I would like to read, and through the search process, I also stumbled across an incredible account of the Civil War called With Fire and Sword by S.H.M. Byers.