A Confusion of Oles
Family history research is fraught with misunderstandings, clues that lead to nowhere, and surprises that lead to illumination. I have sometimes encountered all three within an hour’s time spent on Ancestry.com! Inspired by a recent stint of detective work related to the Crookston Juvenile Band, I have coined a term describing a collection of these frustrating but ultimately rewarding research experiences: A Confusion of Oles.
I will explain. But first, if you are interested in the origins of collective nouns – terms like a gaggle of geese, and a murder of crows –I have a book recommendation: The Exaltation of Larks by James Lipton.
I will explain. But first, if you are interested in the origins of collective nouns – terms like a gaggle of geese, and a murder of crows –I have a book recommendation: The Exaltation of Larks by James Lipton.