We returned a few days ago from our trip to Winnipeg, the North Shore and Duluth, and I have three more vacation photos I wanted to share that relate to the G. Oliver Riggs project.

The first is me with G. Oliver in front of the band shell in Two Harbors, Minn., about 30 miles north of Duluth. Two Harbors is home to one of the oldest continuously operating community bands in the state, behind Meire Grove (1883) and Carlisle (1894). I don’t know that G. Oliver ever played in Two Harbors, but I’m sure he would have known of the band, which organized in 1897.

The band shell is named after its longtime conductor, Paul Gauche, and the community band still plays weekly summer concerts there.

Our drive earlier in the week from Winnipeg to Tofte, Minn., was a loooooong one (466 miles or 751 km), so it was good that we had an engaging audio book to keep us entertained. We listened to The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley, which two different friends had recommended. It held the interest of all of us so well, the kids wanted to jump back into the car the next day to hear how it ended.

We also took a few G. Oliver-related breaks to break up the drive.

Greetings from Manitoba! Steve, the kids and I are on vacation in Winnipeg, known as the cultural cradle of Canada.

The National Archives released data from the 1940 Census in April, and the 134 million names have now been indexed by state and can be more easily perused by historians, demographers and anyone interested in family history. As the National Archive website notes, “...

I haven’t had much time to blog this month. We’ve been too busy enjoying summer, which is a good thing! One of the fun things the kids and I did recently was attend the annual summer gathering of relatives on my mom’s side of the family – an event known as Tent City.
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