Theodore Roosevelt has been on my brain lately.

It started a week ago Monday (Feb. 13) at the Northfield High School band concert, when the symphonic band played Karl King’s “Rough Riders.”  According to the concert notes (written by our friend Joseph), the piece is “perhaps a double reference to the nickname given the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry regiment commanded by Col. Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War and the portrayal of Roosevelt’s Rough Riders in the popular Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World touring shows.”

A few days later, we saw Teddy in action, digging locks in the Panama Canal and crying “Bully” before charging up San Juan Hill.

My mom and dad came to town earlier this week to attend Louisa’s high school band concert.  It was a wonderful concert that featured klezmer music and included a song by Karl King, “Rough Riders,’’ that Louisa appreciated (she’s in an AP U.S. History class and just finished studying Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Era).

My parents rarely show up for their short visits without some present for me, or for our family.

For all you Northfielders reading my blog, tomorrow is the day to drop off band and orchestra instruments you no longer need or want, plus gently used lesson books and other music accessories.

When: Saturday, Feb. 11, 9 a.m. to noon

Where: The Northfield Middle School, 2200 Division Street South

Members of the Northfield Fine Arts Booster Club will be at the Northfield Middle School cafeteria accepting your tax-deductible donations and handing out receipts.

Steve, Sebastian and I attended an inspirational presentation today by Shelton Johnson, a National Park ranger who has spent the past 15 years telling the story of the Buffalo Soldiers who served at Yosemite and Sequoia national parks at the turn of the last century.

Buffalo Soldiers were African Americans who joined the U.S. Army after the Civil War, served in the West and fought in the Indian Wars.
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