I can’t let the day go by without acknowledging its significance.  If by some miracle of science my great-grandfather were still living today, it would be his 141st birthday.

The above photo was taken in Crookston; I’m not sure of the year.  It seemed like a good photo for this blustery November day.

I also like this photo below.  It’s blurry, but you can tell that he’s smiling, which is not a typical expression for G. Oliver in his photos.  He must really have liked that car.

G. Oliver was born in 1870 near Wapello in Louisa County, Iowa.  Here are some notable people who also were born on Nov.

My daughter, Louisa, is nearly done performing in Little Women, the Musical (the last shows are tonight at 7:30 and tomorrow at 2), and her character’s part in the show has me thinking about my great-great grandmother, Rebecca Susan McManus Riggs.

Louisa plays Meg, the oldest March sister, who falls in love with a tutor named John Brooke.

Before any notes were played at Monday evening’s 31st annual district band concert in Northfield, I knew I’d have to blog about the event.  A concert devoted to music of the Civil War, including a song by Iowa composer and music publisher C.L.

I’m getting ready to host a cast party tonight for the opening of Little Women, the Musical, so I can’t spend much time blogging this morning.  But I thought I’d at least post a video I took at last night’s dress rehearsal.

It’s such fun to see a staging of one of my favorite books from childhood, starring my daughter, Louisa, as Meg.  I cried a few times during last night’s performance, and Sebastian and Elias admitted to being moved by the story as well (spoiler alert: someone dies).
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