I had a dream yesterday morning that our kitchen was on fire.  For reasons I don’t understand and will leave to a dreamologist or psychiatrist to analyze, I discovered the fire but was paralyzed to act.   I did alert Steve, however, and he used a fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

After telling Steve about it, I put the dream out of my mind until this morning.  That’s when I discovered an eerie coincidence while going through some research notes from several years ago.  Yesterday was Feb. 21.  According to my notes, in the early morning of Feb. 21, 1892, exactly 119 years earlier, my great-great grandfather’s hardware store and residence in Joy, Illinois, were destroyed in a fire.

This great-great grandfather, Jasper Riggs, was the father of G.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you music lovers and faithful blog readers.  In honor of the day, today’s post is fairly short and sweet (yes, pun intended) and features the marriage certificate of my great-grandparents, G. Oliver Riggs and Islea Graham Riggs.

I love the picture on the certificate, with the cupids flying above the heads of the bride and groom as they stand in what appears to be a courtroom.

My mom and dad stopped in Northfield on Monday for one of their typical short visits.  They arrived after lunch, stayed for dinner and drove back to Alexandria that night after attending Louisa’s high school band concert.

Some people might think my parents are crazy to drive three hours, one way, to attend a high school band concert.  The truth is, they are a little wacky, in a good way.  They don't let distance stop them from participating in the lives of their grandchildren.
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