“Vicksburg is the Key” – Part 2: Iowa and G. Oliver
Go read the story of thy past. Iowa, O! Iowa
What glorious deeds, what fame thou hast! Iowa, O! Iowa
So long as time’s great cycle runs,
Or nations weep their fallen ones,
Thou’lt not forget thy patriot sons, Iowa, O! Iowa– from “The Song of Iowa” by S.H.M. Byers
Dad and I were hastily skimming newspaper articles and assorted letters and documents, trying to get through the file folders in all five boxes of George Landers’ papers before the Iowa City branch of the State Historical Library closed for the day. It was June 2007.
What glorious deeds, what fame thou hast! Iowa, O! Iowa
So long as time’s great cycle runs,
Or nations weep their fallen ones,
Thou’lt not forget thy patriot sons, Iowa, O! Iowa– from “The Song of Iowa” by S.H.M. Byers
Dad and I were hastily skimming newspaper articles and assorted letters and documents, trying to get through the file folders in all five boxes of George Landers’ papers before the Iowa City branch of the State Historical Library closed for the day. It was June 2007.