Show Me the Glee
It probably doesn't surprise people who know us that we are Glee watchers. The Tuesday evening TV show has singing and dancing, it skews high school stereotypes, it has the amazing Jane Lynch – what's not to like? Well, I could digress and grouse about the inconsistent writing, the recent emphasis on songs at the expense of advancing plausible storylines, but even with those flaws, it's been fun to watch it together as a family.
It's certainly not what some people might consider family friendly – unlike, say, Disney's High School Musical, where the two leads don't even kiss. But I've found that it gives Steve and me the chance as parents to emphasize what our values are, as it touches on issues like teen pregnancy, bullying and sexual orientation.
It's certainly not what some people might consider family friendly – unlike, say, Disney's High School Musical, where the two leads don't even kiss. But I've found that it gives Steve and me the chance as parents to emphasize what our values are, as it touches on issues like teen pregnancy, bullying and sexual orientation.